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We Join Forces with Loughborough University

Technical engineering company Powerguard has teamed-up with Loughborough University to develop a new generation of green energy technology. Powerguard and Loughborough University have entered into a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP), a scheme which helps businesses to improve their competitiveness and productivity by using the expertise, technology and skills available at a university.

Under the KTP, a KTP Associate works alongside the organisation’s engineers and academics from the University to maximise the transfer of expertise and experience. This KTP is being funded jointly by the Technology Strategy Board, the Engineering Physical Research Council and Powerguard.

Graham Chapman, Managing Director of Powerguard said, “The KTP is working very well for everyone concerned, having the specialist resource to develop the mathematical software is allowing rapid two-way learning, and providing us with the solutions to see ground-breaking concepts move closer to reality. Our KTP Associate is also learning about the practicalities of business, and importantly for him, the realities of R&D in a commercial environment.”

When asked whether Powerguard would look to work closely with Universities on other projects, Graham Chapman commented, “Once involved, things become clear, the UK industry must take advantage of these partnerships to aid the development of new technologies that will shape the future of our lives. Powerguard is committed to nurturing new partnerships in other areas of our business and providing students with the practical experience required for them to adapt to work.”

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